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Aural History Productions
Radio Archive ~ January - June, 2010
June 24, 2010
Segment 1 and 3: "Backstory: Scales of Justice ~ A History of Supreme Court Nominations." 2010.
PART 1: Real
Media. MP3.
Time: 33:00
PART 2: Real
Media. MP3.
Time: 19:26
From BackStory and the history guys: "Just in time for the Kagan confirmation hearings, BackStory is delving into the long history of appointments to the Supreme Court. What qualities did presidents and lawmakers look for in Supreme Court justices 200 years ago, and how have those expectations changed? How much have nominees� personalities and backgrounds mattered in the past? Was the confirmation process always as �politicized� as it seems today? Was it more so? How has media coverage affected the process? Join the History Guys as they explore the highlights � and lowlights � of Supreme Court nominations past." For more interview excerpts, additional information, or to join in a discussion of the program, visit http://backstoryradio.org/2010/06/the-supremes/.
Segment 2: "Abe Fortas Remembering Lyndon Johnson"
Time: 11:58
Abe Fortas was appointed to the Supreme court by Lyndon Johnson. Later when Johnson nominated Fortas to be Chief Justice a filibuster ensued over charges that Fortas had acted inappropriately in terms of his financial dealings and his contact with Johnson while on the bench. Here, in a recording from the University of Virginia Miller Center of Public Affairs is Abe Fortas speaking in 1981, offering his recollections of President Lyndon Johnson. For the complete Fortas talk and other audio as well, go to http://millercenter.org/scripps/archive/forum/detail/81.
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June 17, 2010
Segment 1 and 3: "Lena Horne Remembered"
Time: 31:00
Time: 16:31
Time: 04:26
From Pacifica Radio Archive's From the Vault, we bring you excerpts
of some of the programs Lena Horne did with Pacifica Radio in the 1960's.
When Lena Horne was Blacklisted in Hollywood, she found a home at Pacifica
Radio as did Paul Robeson and many others whose voices were silenced elsewhere.
Segments 1 and 2 focus on an unusually in-depth interview with Ms. Horne
conducted for KPFA in 1966. Segment 3 is an excerpt from a 1967 documentary,
"Lady Day," based on on Billie Holiday's autobiography. Here
is a dramatization of Holiday's meeting with Lena Horne shortly after
Holiday's release from prison.
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June 10, 2010
Segment 1 and 3: "Votes for Women" (2010).
PART 1: Real
Media. | MP3 unavailable by producer request.
Time: 30:58
PART 2: Real
Media. | MP3 unavailable by producer request.
Time: 20:03
Sandra Sleight-Brennan recently produced this one-hour documentary to mark the 90th anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment. Utilizing songs, voice re-creations, interviews, and historical commentary, the documentary reviews the long years of struggle that culminated in the final ratification of the 19th amendment on August 19, 1920. For more information on the history of the quest for women's suffrage, see: http://www.archives.gov/education/lessons/woman-suffrage/ and http://www.law.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/conlaw/nineteentham.htm.
Segment 2: "James Keir Hardie on Women's Suffrage in Britain (1905)."
Media. MP3.
Time: 3:36
Scottish socialist and labor leader James Keir Hardie was one of the founders of the British Labor Party. He is one of the best known 20th century political labor leaders in Great Britain. During his long and influential career, he advocated self-rule for India, an end to segregation in South Africa, opposition to World War I (he was a life-long pacifist), and promoted -- as he did in this speech delivered in the House of Commons in 1905 -- suffrage for women. The reading of Hardie's speech comes to us from www.librivox.org (see, specifically, http://librivox.org/united-kingdom-house-of-commons-speeches-collection/. For a short overview of Hardie's life and career, see: www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/PRhardie.htm.
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June 3, 2010 Segment 1: "The Maypole at Merrymount (1999)."
Time: 28:30. Here's another historical documentary from Mary Borten, from the series "A Sense of Place." The piece focuses on the conflict between two 17th century North American colonial antagonists: "In their own words, Governor Bradford of Plymouth Colony and adventurer Thomas Morton tell the story of a clash that destroyed one man and symbolized fateful differences that determined our attitudes toward Native Americans and the ultimate course of the nation. This long-forgotten conflict between the Pilgrim Fathers and a freethinking fur trader resonates with today's moral concerns. Marvelous voices, the men's own vivid narrative and evocative music make this footnote to history as fresh as tomorrow."
Segment 2: "Arthur Garfield Hays on McCarthyism (1951)."
Time: 4:03 Arthur Garfield Hays (1881-1954) had a dual personality. He was perhaps best known for his decades-long work for the American Civil Liberties Union (he was a founding member). But he was also a wealthy corporate attorney, which perhaps provided him the resources to take on many pro-bono cases. Among the many cases Hays was involved with were the Tennessee Scopes Trial (1925), related to the issue of prohibitions on the teaching of evolution; the Sacco and Vanzetti Case; and the 1933 defense of members of the Communist party in Germany accused of setting th Reichstag Fire.
Segment 3: "Racial Cleansing in America (2007)."
Time: 19:45
From Duke University's Center for Documentary Studies, we present this short examination of racial expulsion in America: "Once in awhile you come across an American town or county that has long been virtually all-white, even though surrounding communities have substantial black populations. It may not always be an accident. In the six decades after the Civil War, in more than a few rural communities, white mobs violently expelled virtually all of their black neighbors. A new book, Buried in the Bitter Waters, describes a dozen of these racial expulsions. Among the places living with this uneasy history is Corbin, Kentucky, a small railroad town in the Appalachian foothills."
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May 27, 2010
Segment 1 and 3: "Working with Studs [Terkel]" (2010).
PART 1: Real
Media. | MP3 unavailable by producer request.
Time: 26:31
PART 2: Real
Media. | MP3 unavailable by producer request.
Time: 26:27
From Transom.org, we present this intimate portrait of oral historian Studs Terkel: "For many years, Transom editor, Sydney Lewis, worked side by side with Studs on his radio show and his books. For this remembrance, told in a seamless blend of doumentary and reminiscence, she brings together of crew of Stud's co-workers with their great stories along with wonderful previously-unheard tape of Studs himself."
Segment 2: "Jane Addams on the Evils of Prostitution (1912)."
Media. MP3.
Time: 6:43
Here is a reading (from www.librivox.org) of chapter 1, "As Inferred from an Analogy," of Jane Addams' A New Conscience and an Ancient Evil, a treatise on prostitution. The various chapters of the book first appeared in McClure's magazine. The full 1912 text is available at Google books; go to books.google.com and search for the book title.
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May 20, 2010
Segment 1 and 3: "Shadows on Sparks Street: A tale of a Canadian Political Assasination" (2009).
PART 1: Real
Media. MP3 unavailable by producer request.
Time: 32:07
PART 2: Real
Media. MP3 unavailable by producer request.
Time: 21:32
From producer Sarah Boothroyd and the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation we bring you this look at one of the most famous crimes and trials in Canadian history. "140 years ago one of the Fathers of Canadian Confederation was gunned down just a few blocks from Parliament Hill in Ottawa. Thomas D�Arcy McGee remains the only Canadian federal politician ever to be assassinated. He has been called �Canada�s JFK� � a charismatic politician, poet, and journalist, shot on the doorstep to his rooming house on Sparks Street. He was killed six days before his 43rd birthday, and left behind a wife, a brother, and a 10-year-old daughter. This is the story of Canada�s first political assassination � one that happened less than a year after the new Dominion of Canada was formed � and one that many think led to the wrongful conviction and execution of Patrick James Whelan, an Irish tailor. Shadows on Sparks Street by Sarah Boothroyd explores this mystery, drawing on various archival materials as well as the expertise of historians David Wilson and David Shanahan, as well as lawyer Lawrence Greenspon." For more information on the assassination of Thomas D'Arcy McGee and on this production, go to: http://www.cbc.ca/ideas/features/shadows-on-sparks-street/.
Segment 2: "Canada's Declaration of War (WWII)" (1939).
Media. MP3.
Time: 3:19
Here is a short selection from Liberal Prime Minister of Canada William Lyon Mackenzie King's explanation for Canada's declaration of war against Nazi Germany. King (1874-1950) was the longest serving prime minister in British Commonwealth history, serving a total of 22 years in office � from 1921 to 1930, and from 1935 to 1948. For King's he full radio speech -- and much more anbout his life and legacy -- go to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation's Web site on him: http://archives.cbc.ca/politics/prime_ministers/topics/1276/.
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May 13, 2010
Segment 1 and 3: Howard Zinn's "Marx in Soho" (2001).
PART 1: Real
Media. MP3.
Time: 25:06
PART 2: Real
Media. MP3.
Time: 30:04
From Pacifica Radio Archive's From on the Vault, we bring you this 2001 performance of Howard Zinn's Marx in Soho. In 1999, wrote the one man play, which featured the African American actor and activist Brian Jones. The play "resurrects Karl Marx to defend his theories and portray him as the human he was when he was alive: a family man struggling to support his wife and children. Here we present a condensed version of this play recorded for KPFK radio in 2001 in Los Angeles. Most Americans may not know a WORD that Karl Marx wrote or said... but they do know the political system Marx said would be the endpoint of human socio-economic development: Communism. Only Marx wants nothing to do with the Soviet Union's version of it and so he's come back to life in Howard Zinn's 1999 play Marx in Soho to defend his theories..... and so much more. We hear Marx speak about his life with Jenny von Westphalen and their 7 children, of which only 3 survived to adulthood because of their abject poverty. We also hear tales of his acquaintance with Anarchist Mikhail Bakunin, the Paris Commune of 1871, and his thoughts on how the world has evolved since his death. Karl Marx is one of the great thinkers in human history but most know very little about him. Those familiar with Marx generally know about his 2 great works, The Manifesto of the Communist Party (1848 ) and Das Kapital (1867). Both of these works outline problems with the Capitalist system and predict that just as Capitalism evolved from Feudalism, there would be a natural evolution of Capitalism to socialism and eventually a stateless and classless society or Communism. The legacy that Karl Marx has left behind is blurred forever here in America.
Marx's pro worker social and economic theories have not been met with open arms in our pro business Capitalist system, which often pits business owners against it's workers in a never ending battle of how to divide the profits. And Failed Communist Governments and other communist efforts has not been a very good Public Relations (PR) boost for Marx's theories.
Segment 2: "Hegel's Philosophy of History" (1952)
Media. MP3.
Time: 4:45 Among the many German philosophers and British political economists who influenced Karl Marx and whose ideas shaped his theories, perhaps none is more important than Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831). It was Hegel's ideas that formed the scaffolding for Marx's formulation of dialectival materialism. Though Hegel was an idealist, the mechanism of historical change he described in his writings, especially in his postumously published lectures, The Philosophy of History, helped shape Marx's notions of history and historical change. Here is a short selection from the Introduction to The Philosophy of History -- from the tranlated text prepared by John Sibree in 1900. It comes to us from LibriVox and is read by D.E. Wittkower. The first edition of The Philosophy of History was published in 1837 and was heavily based on Hegel's winter 1830-31 lectures, some of the last that he delivered before his death on November 14, 1831. The text was not directly extracted from Hegel's own 1830-31 lecture notes, but from those of his students who attended the lectures. Their notes were collected and edited by Hegel's son, Charles Hegel, who also added text from his father's earlier, 1822 lectures -- as well as extracts from Hegel's unpublished manuscripts.
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May 6, 2010
Segment 1 and 3: "Nixon's 1972 Visit to China Reexamined (from Action Speaks!" 2009).
PART 1: Real
Media. MP3.
Time: 32:24
PART 2: Real
Media. MP3.
Time: 24:22
From "Action Speaks! Underappreciated Dates that Changed America" -- a locally produced history and public affairs program aired on Rhode Island's NPR station, WRNI and originating in downtown Providence -- we bring you this discussion of the impact of Nixon's historical visit to China and a discussion of the evolving contentious but mutually respectful relationship between the U.S. and China. As summarized by the producers: "What began as a Ping Pong match is now a game of 'Chicken'...the US and China; partners or enablers? The relationship between the US and China has been a driving force in the development of both countries. In the past 30 years, China has transformed from agricultural superpower to manufacturing giant, from a capitalist enemy to the biggest U.S. lender. To understand the impact of this relationship on the future of the US economy and its foreign relations, Action Speaks is heading back in time to follow President Nixon on his historic visit to China when much of this co-dependent relationship began to take shape." Action Speaks! is a co-production of AS220 and the Rhode Island Council for the Humanities. We thank them for making this program available for nbroadcast and redistribution on our Web site.
Segment 2: "Arizona Senator-elect Barry Goldwater on the Growth of the Federal Government" (1952)
Media. MP3.
Time: 2:56 Here are some selections from a 1952 interview with then Arizona Senator-elect Barry Goldwater, in which he discusses some of the issues that concerned him and that had begun to energize the Republican party -- issues mainly around "the growth of the federal government and its tendency to preempt state functions." This audio selection comes to us from a CBS Longines Chronoscope television program that was first aired on November 26, 1952. Goldwater was interviewed by William Bradford Huie and Hardy Burt. We have edited and selected just a few of Goldwater's remarks to fit the time constraints of our broadcast. It is interesting to note, in keeping with the theme of our main segment (described above), that Goldwater fought hard against the normalization of relations with the People's Republic of China, viewing it as a betrayal of Taiwan. When President Jimmy Carter moved forward on normalization in 1979, Goldwater and a few fellow senators sued him on the constitutional grounds that he was terminating treaty obligations without the consent of Congress. They argued that normalization of relations with the People's Republic of China undermined the Sino-American Mutual Defense Treaty with the Republic of China (Taiwan) without the approval of Congress. Goldwater v. Carter, as the case came to be known, was dismissed by the Supreme Court; the judges felt it was really a political and not a judicial matter. All Longines Chronoscope broadcasts are now in the public domain (thanks to the generosity of CBS) and available at the National Archives, Archives II, in College Park, Maryland. For a list of the Chronoscope interviews, go to: http://www.archives.gov/research/formats/tv-interviews-1951-to-1955.html.
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April 29, 2010
Segment 1 and 3: "C. Wright Mills" 2009.
PART 1: Real
Media. MP3.
Time: 35:40
PART 2: Real
Media. MP3.
Time: 16:20
Daniel Geary, author of Radical Ambition: C. Wright Mills, the Left, and American Social Thought (UC Press, 2009) offers his insights on C. Wright Mills, the sociologist and social critic, in this Against the Grain segment. "C. Wright Mills liked to think big. His analyses of power elites, white collar workplaces, the Cuban Revolution, and potential sources of radical social transformation were influential with thinkers, activists, and concerned citizens in many parts of the globe. Daniel Geary describes Mills's ideas and their impact on a number of social movements, especially the New Left." For useful information on C. Wright Mills' life and work, see: http://www.faculty.rsu.edu/~felwell/Theorists/Mills/.
Segment 2: "Herbert Marcuse on the Occasion of Angela Davis' Expulsion and Reinstatement by the University of California," (1969)
Media. MP3.
Time: 14:26 Here is a Pacifica Radio Archives speech by philosopher and social critic Herbert Marcuse, delivered on October 24, 1969 at Sproul Plaza, Berkeley, California. Angela Davis, one of Marcuse's former students, had been hired as a lecturer in philosophy by UCLA, but was had been fired by the regents of the State of California (with the strong encouragement of then governor Ronald Reagan) for her membership in the Communist Party. After a successful legal fight, Davis was reinstated. Marcuse, then a professor of philosophy at UC-San Diego, delivered this speech after the announcement of the court's ruling. Marcuse -- the author One-dimensional Man, Eros and Civilization, Reason and Revolution, Essay on liberation -- is often referred to as the philosophical voice of the New Left. For more information about him, see: http://www.marcuse.org/herbert/.
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April 22, 2010
Segment 1 and 3: "Hark! The Acoustic World of Elizabethan England." 2008.
PART 1: Real
Media. MP3 unavailable by request of producers. Time: 29:47
PART 2: Real
Media. MP3 unavailable by request of producers. Time: 22:38
This 52-minute feature, originally recorded and produced in 2008 by Chris Brookes, Paolo Pietropaolo, and Alan Hall, with additional recording by Katie Birningham, and was inspired by historian Bruce R. Smith's The Acoustic World of Early Modern England (University of Chicago Press, 1999). The documentary won the 2009 Prix Marulic Prize for best documentary as well as a Gold Medal for Best Sound at the 2009 New York Festivals Awards for Radio Programming. It is an excellent introduction to the new historical sub-field of "Aural History."
Our thanks to the producers for permission to provide on-line access to their production for our listeners.
Segment 2: "An Elizabethan Voice: Edmund Spenser's The Faerie Queen (1590; 2006 reading)
Media. MP3.
Time: 2:39
If you had been in Queen Elizabeth's court in the 1590s, you might have heard this allegorical work exploring human virtues through the adventures of a group of Arthurian knights. If you were lucky, it would have been recited by none other than Edmund Spenser, its author. He was introduced to the Queen by Sir Walter Raleigh. Spenser, whose poem was clearly -- in part -- an homage to Elizabeth, was destined to be one of Elizabeth's favorite poets. For more information abour Spenser, see http://www.luminarium.org/renlit/spensbio.htm or http://www.english.cam.ac.uk/spenser/main.htm. This selection from Book 1 of Spenser's classic, comes to us, from www.librivox.org. To listen to the full readings of Book 1, go to: http://librivox.org/the-faerie-queene-book-1-by-edmund-spenser/.
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April 15, 2010
Segment 1 and 3: "Backstory: Paying Up ~ A History of Taxation." 2010.
PART 1: Real
Media. MP3.
Time: 30:56
PART 2: Real
Media. MP3.
Time: 18:51
Here's another timely selection from the American History Guys and Backstory: "Since the beginning of our history, Americans have had a complicated relationship with the Tax Man. �Taxation without representation� was one of the main grievances of the Sons of Liberty, but the Revolution hardly settled the issue. Whiskey tax resistors waged an armed rebellion just a few years later, and ever since, Americans have been arguing about what constitutes �fair� taxation.
On this episode, the History Guys look at the long and turbulent history of taxation in America. How have we decided what to tax? From the Stamp Act of 1765 to the current-day Tea Party Movement, how have our attitudes about taxation changed? Do we think differently about taxes in times of war and national crisis? What was the tariff, anyway, and why did it matter?"
Segment 2: "Henry David Thoreau, Tax Resister." 1849.
Media. MP3.
Time: 5:29
"That government is best which governs least" wrote Henry David Thoreau. Though he may not have much in common with current Tea Party members, there is much in Thoreau's distrust in government that is shared by segments of both the American right and left. Listen to these selections from Thoreau's famous essay, "Resistance to Civil Government" (1849) -- better known today as "On Civil Disobedience" -- and consider where Thoreau might be positioned in today's political spectrum. The reading comes to us from LibriVox [you can hear the fuill recording there]. Thoreau lived in an era where government was equated with support for slavery and imperialistic wars, no wonder he felt "less" government was better than "more" -- and that he became a tax resister. Check out the following Web sites for more information on Thoreau and his ideas: http://www.walden.org/institute/thoreau/writings/Writings.htm and http://thoreau.eserver.org/theory.html.
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April 8, 2010
Segment 1 and 3: "The Great Textbook War of 1974" by Trey Kay, 2009.
PART 1: Real
Media. MP3 unavailable by request of producer.
Time: 29:51
PART 2: Real
Media. MP3 unavailable by request of producer.
Time: 27:04 Here is one of the most sensitive, detailed, and balanced treatments of a major battle in America's culture wars that you'll find anywhere. No wonder its producer, Trey Kay just won the Peabody Award for it (April 2010). As described by West Virginia Public Radio, where it premiered last year: "In 1974, Kanawha County was the first battleground in the American culture wars. Controversy erupted over newly-adopted school textbooks. School buildings were hit by dynamite and Molotov cocktails, buses were riddled with bullets, journalists were beaten and surrounding coal mines were shut down by protesting miners. Textbook opponents believed the books were teaching their children to question their authority, traditional values and the existence of God. Textbook supporters said children needed to be exposed to a wide variety of beliefs and experiences, and taught to make their own decisions."
Segment 2: "Candide and the History of Banned Books."
Media. MP3.
Time: 2:39
Complementing our presentation of Trey Kay's "The Great Textbook War of 1974," we examine briefly the history of some other controversial books, focusing specifically on Voltaire's irreverant Candide, first published in 1759. The book's satirical view of religion and politics led to restrictions on its distribution by the Catholic Church, Swiss authorities, as well as the French government. It would continue to be controversial long after the 18th century. Since it struck at political hierarchicies of all sorts, this is hardly surprising. Candide would be banned here and there through the 20th century. For example, as late as 1930, U.S. Customs officials seized a case of the books shipped to Harvard, citing anti-obscenity statutes. A battle ensued pitting Harvard faculty against the Customs Office, ending with a compromise: a different edition of the Voltaire classic was finally permitted into the country. More than a dozen years later, in 1944, the U.S. Post Office places blocked even its listing in a book catalog! For more information on Voltaire, see: http://www.voltaire.ox.ac.uk/www_vf/default.ssi.
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April 1, 2010
Segment 1 and 3: "Howard Zinn, An Interview by Sasha Lilly (Conclusion, cont. from last week, 2009)."
PART 1: Real
Media. MP3.
Time: 31:55
PART 2: Real
Media. MP3.
Time: 25:03
This week we conclude Sasha Lilley's interview with historian Howard Zinn, originally broadcast on Against the Grain. the interview took place only a few months before Zinn's death on January 27, 2010. You can find a well-documented account of Zinn's life and work at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Howard_Zinn.
Segment 2: "The Declaration of Sentiments (1848)."
Media. MP3.
Time: 4:17
Composed mainly by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and read at the first Women's Rights Convention of 1848 in Seneca Fall, the "Declaration of Sentiments" (also known as the "Declaration of Rights and Sentiments") outlined a long list of oppressive legal and social practices that restricted women's rights in mid-19th century America. The Declaration, modeled after the Declaration of Independence, called for the "immediate admission" of women "to all the rights and privileges which belong to them as citizens of these United States." For more information on Stanton, the Women's Rights Convention of 1848, and the Declaration, see the Web site for the Women's Rights National Historic Site at Seneca Falls: http://www.nps.gov/wori/index.htm. This recording of a reading of the Declaration of Sentiments comes to us from Pacifica Radio Archives and From the Vault. It is a segment from a 1959 Pacifica series titled "The American Woman in Fact And Fiction," written and directed by Virginia Maynard.
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March 25, 2010 Segment 1: "Elizabeth I and Victoria."
Time: 28:38. From What's the Word we bring you this program: "Queen Elizabeth I and Queen Victoria each presided over a period of major literary development in England. This program looks at how they influenced and were depicted in literature and popular culture. Katharine Maus discusses how Elizabeth was portrayed in literature as the Virgin Queen; Maureen Quilligan shares images of Elizabeth from such writers as William Shakespeare and poet Mary Sidney; and Adrienne Munich tells how the queen's presence was felt in Victorian culture through works that ranged from Gilbert and Sullivan's _Mikado_ to the broadside ballads sold on the streets of London."
Segment 2: "1601: Conversation, as it was by the Social Fireside, in the Time of the Tudors" (1867; 2007).
Time: 6:40 Here's a piece from Mark Twain that few people know about -- and a devilishly appropriate bridge from the topic of Queen Elizabeth I and Queen Victoria to a segment focusing on U.S. historian Howard Zinn. As Mark Twain summarized: "1601 is a supposititious conversation which takes place in Queen Elizabeth�s closet in that year, between the Queen, Ben Jonson, Beaumont, Sir Walter Raleigh, the Duchess of Bilgewater, and one or two others � If there is a decent word findable in it, it is because I overlooked it.� 1601 -- as Danny Sayers on the LibriVox Web site notes, "depicts a highfalutin and earthy discussion between the Queen and her court about farting and a variety of sexual peccadillos, narrated disapprovingly and sanctimoniously by the Queen�s Cup-Bearer, an eyewitness at 'the Social Fireside.'" The full title of the piece, first written in 1867, published in 1880, and finally acknowledged by Twain in 1906 -- four years before his death -- was "1601: Conversation, as it was by the Social Fireside, in the Time of the Tudors." Please note that we heavily edited this segment for length AND also for language and some content, to permit us to legally air it (abiding carefully to FCC regulations). For the unedited version, go directly to the LibriVox Web site:
Segment 3: "Howard Zinn, An Interview by Sasha Lilly (part 1)."
Time: 19:45
Against the Grain's co-producer, Sasha Lilley, interviewed the historian Howard Zinn only a few months before his death on January 27, 2010. We bring you the first part of her interview this week; next week we'll air the remainder. A well-documented account of his life and work can be found at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Howard_Zinn.
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March 18, 2010
Segment 1 and 3: "Out of This World ~ The U.S. Space Program: Rocket Girls and Astro-netts" (2004).
PART 1: Real
Media. MP3 Unavailable by request of the producers.
Time: 33:56
PART 2: Real
Media. MP3 Unavailable by request of the producers.
Time: 16:10
Here is another segment of the documentary series produced by Richard Paul with Soundprint that "explores American society during the Space Age. In the 1950s, 1960s and early '70s many focused on the Space Race between the US and the Soviet Union, but many other important issues also swept through the country during that period -- the Civil Rights movement, the Woman's Movement and the Cold War. Each of these three programs looks at the interplay between the Space Program and one of these other issues." This hour-long documentary explores the "story of women in the ultimate Man�s World � the labs and Shuttle crew cabins of NASA. Told in the first person, these stories explore the experiences of NASA�s first woman engineers and scientists and its first astronauts. It also tells the fascinating story of a group of women pilots who � in the early 1960s � were led to believe that they would be America�s first women astronauts and were given the exact same physical tests are the Mercury astronauts. The program is narrated by Eileen Collins, the first woman commander of a Space Shuttle."
Segment 2: "Sputnik I (1957)."
Media. MP3.
Time: 3:30
Here are the sounds of Sputnik I, which was launced on October 4, 1957 by the Soviet Union. This first orbital satellite measures around 23 inches in diameter and weighed around 184 pounds. It's launch, though, helped precipitate the Cold War space race between the U.S. and the Soviet Union. For more information on Sputnik and the U.S. response, see: http://history.nasa.gov/sputnik/.
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March 11, 2010
Segment 1 and 3: "Backstory: Climate Control" (2004).
PART 1: Real
Media. MP3.
Time: 31:00
PART 2: Real
Media. MP3.
Time: 19:01
Backstory comes back to Talking History to examine the history of indoor climate control -- home heating and cooling. Joining hosts Brian Balogh, Peter Onuf, and Ed Ayers are two experts on the development of new climate control technologies: stoves (Howell Harris) and air-conditioning (Gail Cooper). "As people up and down the east coast shiver through one of the coldest winters in recent memory, it�s worth pausing to think about what life was like before the modern era of indoor heating. Well into the 19th century, Americans relied on wood-fueled fireplaces, a technology that�s not only inefficient, but also ineffective at warming people more than a few feet from its flames. Add to that until about 1850, winters were particularly cold, as the Earth slogged through what�s known as the 'Little Ice Age.' In this episode of BackStory, the History Guys look at what happened when stoves became widely available in the middle of the 19th century, and how that technology altered the American 'way of life.' They also consider the advent of air conditioning a century later, and explore its far-reaching implications on everything from architecture and leisure to settlement patterns and national politics. Finally, as they trace changing ideals of 'comfort' over three centuries of American life, the History Guys ask what lessons history has to offer today as we grapple with the impacts of past energy choices and look towards a more sustainable energy future."
Segment 2: "Rural Electrification (1953)."
Media. MP3.
Time: 4:17
Former Minnesota governor Archer Nelson gave up his job as governor to become the director of the Rural Electrification Administration (REA) and served in that post from 1953 to 1956. Here, in these (audio) selections from a Longines Chronoscrope broadcast from Nov. 27, 1953, Nelson describes some of the work of his administration. For information on the REA (established in 1935 by Franklin Roosevelt), see: http://newdeal.feri.org/tva/tva10.htm.
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March 4, 2010
Segment 1 and 3: "Deep in Our Hearts" (2004).
PART 1: Real
Media. MP3.
Time: 31:34
PART 2: Real
Media. MP3.
Time: 27:33
Here is an outstanding documentary based on Constance Curry, Joan C. Browning, Dorothy Dawson Burlage, and Penny Patch's Deep in Our Hearts: Nine White Women in the Freedom Movement (Georgia Univ. Press, 2002). As described by the producer: "Deep In Our Heartsis an award winning hour-long documentary about four white women who defied the color line to work in the southern Civil Rights Movement. But it's more than that, it's a story of how acting on your ideals can shape your life and effect society as a whole. This special takes us into the lives of four women who came of age during the civil rights movement, participated actively in it, and were transformed by it. Their strong voices contradict the simple one-dimensional profile often presented of whites in the movement. They came from different backgrounds; one grew up in poverty, others in the affluence, some were raised to treat blacks as subordinates, while another saw her family work for social justice. Why did they defy the color line to join the Southern Freedom Movement? These voices aren't often heard. By sharing them, Deep in Our Hearts not only explores the events of the 1960s, it illuminates how people can choose to live their ideals. Created by award winning producer Sandra Sleight-Brennan and based on the book of the same name, Deep in Our Hearts brings those turbulent times to life. In doing so, it affirms the enduring significance of the moral conviction that shaped the lives of these four courageous women. Winner of a 2005 Clarion Award, 2005 Press Club of Cleveland, 2005 Gracie Award, 2005 National Headliner Award."
Segment 2: Bobby Seale On the Early History of the Black Panther Party (1968)."
Media. MP3.
Time: 7:10
Bobby Seale, co-founder of the Black Panther Party, delivered this talk at the Oakland Auditorium in 1968. He offered an intimate account of the founding of the Party two years earlier, and some of its earliest activities. This selection from the recording comes to us from From the Vault and the Pacifica Radio Archives. For more information about the work of the Pacifica Radio Archives, and to learn how to obtain the complete recording, go to: http://pacificaradioarchives.org/. For a more extended account by Seale of the history of the Black Panther Party, see Bobby Seale's Seize the Time: The Story of the Black Panther Party and Huey P. Newton (1970) and A Lonely Rage - The Autobiography of Bobby Seale (1978). A number of short on-line biographies of Seale are readily available on line.
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Feb. 25, 2010
Segment 1 and 3: "Shakespeare in American Life: 'Shakespeare is a Black Woman' ~ Shakespeare in American Politics" (2007).
PART 1: Real Media. MP3 unavailable by producer's request.
Time: 33:49.
PART 2: Real Media. MP3 unavailable by producer's request.
Time: 16:24.
This is part of a series produced by Richard Paul and the Folger Shakespeare Library in Washington, D.C. �Shakespeare in American Life,� narrated by Sam Waterston, explores how Shakespeare�s work "has intertwined itself with American electoral politics, geopolitics, and racial, class and academic politics. It also explores how Shakespeare has been used for political purposes throughout American history." This segment includes a detailed examination of the racial contestations that took place around the questions of "who owns" Shakespeare. The segment's title, "Shakespeare is a Black Woman,� refers to Maya Angelou's assertion that the experiences of African American women are especially captured in Shakespeare�s Sonnet 29. For more information on this program, go to Folger Library site: http://www.shakespeareinamericanlife.org/identity/episode.cfm.
Segment 2: From the Archives: "The Titanic and 'Nearer My God to Thee.'" (1904).
Media. MP3.
Time: 2:07
Few tragedies are accompanied with their own soundtrack. This one was. At least one survivor of the Titanic disaster of July 15, 1912 recalled Wallace Hartley's band playing this hymn as the ship went down after colliding with an iceberg only hours earlier. For more information on the band and that fateful event, see: http://www.titanic-titanic.com/titanic_band.shtml. This recording comes from a 1904 Edison Concert Band cylinder recording, digitally archived on the Internet Archive at: http://www.archive.org/details/NearerMyGodToTheeByEdisonConcertBand1904.
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Feb 18, 2010
Segment 1 and 3: "Race and the Space Race." (2010).
PART 1: Real Media. MP3 unavailable by producer's request.
Time: 33:43.
PART 2: Real Media. MP3 unavailable by producer's request.
Time: 16:29.
"Race and the Space Race" comes to us from Soundprint and producer Richard Paul, with narration by Mae Jemison, the first African-American woman in Space. The documentary explores the "unlikely story of Civil Rights and the Space Program. The Space Age began when America was going through a wrenching battle over Civil Rights. And because the heart of the old Confederacy was chosen as its base, NASA played an unintended role in Civil Rights history. In this program, we hear how this happened and we hear the stories of the people who broke the color line at NASA --- their stories of frustration and their stories of perseverance."
Segment 2: From the Archives: "The Clamshell Alliance of New Hampshire Remembered (2006)."
Media. MP3.
Time: 5:15
Here is a short, edited excerpt of a July 29, 2006 broadcast from the activist radio program Making Waves -- a selection from an interview with Clamshell Alliance member Arnie Alpert. The selection is part of an extended retrospective look at the history of the Clamshell Alliance of New Hampshire, one of several anti-nuclear power citizens groups to emerge in the 1970s. The Clamshell Alliance was specifically formed to oppose the Seabrook Nuclear Power Plant on the coast of New Hampshire. To listen to an unedited version of the broadcast, "Seabrook Anti-Nuclear Activism Retrospective: Clamshell Alliance Interviews," go to: http://www.radio4all.net/index.php/program/19145. For a short history of the Clamshell Alliance, see: http://www.clamshell-tvs.org/clamshell_history/index.html.
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February 11, 2010
Segment 1 and 3: "Backstory: Love Me Did ~ A History of Courtship in America." (2010).
PART 1: Real Media. MP3. Time: 31:36.
PART 2: Real Media. MP3. Time: 18:54.
The American History Guys (Backstory) are back with an examination of the history of courtship in America: "Considering the stereotypes about Puritan New England, you might be surprised to learn that young lovers in the 18th century were not only allowed to sleep together before marriage � they were encouraged to! As long, that is, as they did it within the confines of the parents� home. It was known as 'bundling,' and although sex was theoretically not involved, the practice coincided with a huge increase in premarital pregnancy. By the end of the century, one-third of all brides were pregnant by the time they reached the altar. In this special Valentine�s Day edition of BackStory, the History Guys will trace the history of courtship conventions from the colonial era to the present. Along the way, they will explore the social, economic, and technological forces that shape courtship, and examine the changing relationship between courtship and marriage. Did economic considerations used to play a greater role in coupling? How has popular culture structured the way lovers spend time together? Has the idea of 'romance' itself morphed over time?" Participating in this edition of Backstory are historian Beth Bailey (author of From Front Porch to Back Seat: Courtship in 20th Century America), who discusses the origins of American �dating� and how it has evolved, and historian and blogger Pam Epstein (http://advertisingforlove.com) who discussed 19th century personal ads. For more information about Backstory and the American History Guys, visit their Web site at: http://www.backstoryradio.org/.
Segment 2: "The Passionate Poetry of Gaius Valerius Catullus."
Real Media.
MP3. Time: 2:32.
Gaius Valerius Catullus (ca. 84-ca. 54 BC) was a Roman poet known for his intense and highly erotic poems, many related to his love affair with "Lesbia," reputed to be -- in real life -- one Clodia, an aristocratic member of the Claudian family (married to Metellus Celer). Catullus' poems reflect a range of emotions about Clodia -- reflecting the evolution of their relationship. Perhaps one of the most famous of the 116 poems he left behind for posterity, is this one -- Carmen #5:
Vivamus mea Lesbia, atque amemus,
rumoresque senum severiorum
omnes unius aestimemus assis!
soles occidere et redire possunt:
nobis cum semel occidit brevis lux,
nox est perpetua una dormienda.
da mi basia mille, deinde centum,
dein mille altera, dein secunda centum,
deinde usque altera mille, deinde centum.
dein, cum milia multa fecerimus,
conturbabimus illa, ne sciamus,
aut ne quis malus inuidere possit,
cum tantum sciat esse basiorum.
Here we present three LibriVox readings of this poem, one in Italian and two in English. A latin reading of his poem is available here -- along with links to readings of many of Catullus' other poems: http://rudy.negenborn.net/catullus/text2/l5.htm. Here is a direct link to the MP3 recording of the latin reading of VIVAMUS MEA LESBIA . . ..
For short biographies of Catullus, see: http://www.dl.ket.org/latinlit/carmina/catullus/people/catullus.htm and http://community.middlebury.edu/~harris/LatinAuthors/Catullus.html. For more versions/readings of this poem, go to LibRiVox at: http://librivox.org/to-lesbia-by-caius-valerius-catullus/.
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Feb 4, 2010
Segment 1 and 3: "C. L. R. James' Life and Thought: (2010)"
PART 1: Real Media. MP3.
Time: 28:00.
PART 2: Real Media. MP3.
Time: 22:52.
From Against the Grain, we bring you this conversation with David Austin, author of You Don't Play with Revolution: The Montreal Lectures of CLR James (AK Press, 2009): "The great Trinidadian intellectual CLR James was an anti-colonial fighter, radical historian, cricket expert, Marxist theoretician, Melville scholar, playwright, and novelist. David Austin talks about James's life, ideas, and wide-ranging influence, from Caribbean and African anti-colonial and post-independence struggles to the Caribbean diasporic New Left in Canada."
Segment 2: From the Archives: "An Interview with Che Guevara (1964)."
Media. MP3.
Time: 27:42
On December 16, 1964, while visiting the United State to address the U.N., Cuban finance minister Che Guevara met with a group of journalists at the Cuban Mission headquarters on East 67th Steet in New York City. Among those present was Pacifica Radio reporter Chric Couch who recorded the interview. An edited and narrated version (also produced by Couch) was later broadcast on Pacifica radio stations. We present it here, in its entirety, with our thanks to Pacifica Radio Archivies. Those interested in Guevara's UN speech can go to the following site for a transcript: http://www.marxists.org/archive/guevara/1964/12/11.htm. The well-annotated Wikipedia entry on Guevara is also a good place to start for an overview of his life and career and contains many excellent links and a bibliography for further reading: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Che_Guevara.
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Jan. 28, 2010
Segment 1 and 3: "A Small Southern Town: The Nation's Capital in Slave Times ~ Escape to the Pearl (1999)"
PART 1: Real Media. [MP3 unavailable] Time: 31:28.
PART 2: Real Media. [MP3 unavailable] Time: 21:02.
"A Small Southern Town: The Nation's Capital in Slave Times ~ Escape to the Pearl," combines dramatic readings of personal accounts and contemporary commentary to tell the story of the "largest mass escape of slaves in American history." Produced by Richard Paul and WAMU (American University), this program explores one family's response (to slavery in Washington D.C. and their participation in a flight from bondage. Paul is joined by freelance writer Mary Kay Ricks as the documentary weaves its way through dramatic readings and reconstructions based on 19th century sources and contemporary commentary. In part II of the production, Paul is joined by James Horton, Benjamin Banneker Professor of American Studies and History at George Washington University. Horton is the co-author of In Hope of Liberty: Culture, Protest, and Community Among Northern Free Blacks, 1700 1860. For more information about the events explored in this production, see: William Lee Miller, Arguing About Slavery (Alfred A. Knopf, 1996); Personal Memoir of Daniel Drayton: For Four Years and Four Months A Prisoner (For Chairty's Sake) In Washington Jail including A Narrative Of the Voyage and Capture Of The Schooner Pearl (Negro Universities Press, 1855); John Paynter, Fugitives of the Pearl (Associated Publishers, Inc., Washington, DC, 1930); Josiah Henson, The Life of Josiah Henson, Formally a Slave, Now an Inhabitant of Canada, (1849).
Segment 2: From the Archives: "Gov. Orval Faubus and Desegregation (1957)."
Time: 3:21 Here is a short edited selection from a Mike Wallace interview with Orval Faubus (conducted on Sept. 15, 1957). Faubus, governor of Arkansas, spoke to Wallace in Little Rock in the midst of his standoff with Eisenhower over the integration of Little Rock Central High School. For the full interview, go to the Harry Ransom Center's on-line collection of Mike Wallace interviews. Here is a direct link to the Faubus interview: http://www.hrc.utexas.edu/multimedia/video/2008/wallace/faubus_orval_t.html.
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Jan. 21, 2010 Segment 1 and 3: "The Story of the Haitian Revolution. (2010)"
PART 1: Real Media. MP3. Time: 27:56.
PART 2: Real Media. MP3. Time: 22:42.
From Pacifica Radio's Against the Grain series, we bring you this discussion of the Haitian Revolution of 1791 -- a conversation with Historian Laurent Dubois: "It was a cataclysmic event, the first and only successful slave revolution in the Americas. In 1791 brutally exploited slaves on a small Caribbean island rose up and eventually won emancipation. Their story, a legacy that has inspired and instructed people and nations for centuries, is told in Laurent Dubois's Avengers of the New World."
Segment 2: From the Archives: "Autobiography of Theodore Roosevelt ~ Roosevelt at NYS Governor."
Time: 3:52 With all of the turmoil in New York State today between the Governor and the legislature, we thought we would look back to another period of turmoil in New York State government. Here is a LibriVox (www.librivox.org) reading of a portion of Theodore Roosevelt's autobiography, in which Roosevelt recalls some of his trials and tribulations as Governor of New York from 1899 to 1900.
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Jan. 14, 2010 Segment 1 and 3: "Project 62: Martin Luther King Jr. Documentary (1962)"
PART 1: Real Media. [MP3 unavailable by request of the producer]. Time: 31:07.
PART 2: Real Media. [MP3 unavailable by request of the producer]. Time: 22:36.
Here is a 1962 documentary on the life and philosophy of Martin Luther King Jr., produced by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) and originally aired on the CBC Radio program �Project �62.� It was recently re-broadcast on CBC's radio series "Rewind." We present it here in its entirely.
Segment 2: From the Archives: "Sweatt v. Painter."(1950).
Time: 3:52 Here is a LibriVox (www.librivox.org) reading of a portion of the unanimous 1950 Supreme Court decision that helped pave the way for Brown v. Board of Education in 1954. It concerns a challenge to segregated higher education policies of the University of Texas and specifically to its Law School. The challenge was initiated, with NAACP support, by Herman Marion Sweatt, an African American who was refused admission to the School of Law of the University of Texas and who then sued the School's president, Theophilus Painter, for admission. At the time, integrated schools were prohibited by Texas' constitution.
Here is a brief summary of the case: "The Texas trial court, instead of granting the plaintiff a writ of mandamus, continued the case for six months. This allowed the state time to create a law school only for blacks, which it established in Houston, Texas, rather than in Austin. The 'separate' law school and the college became today's Texas Southern University; the law school is known as the Thurgood Marshall School of Law. The trial court decision was affirmed by the Court of Civil Appeals and the Texas Supreme Court denied writ of error on further appeal. Sweatt and the NAACP appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court. W.J. Durham and Thurgood Marshall presented Sweatt's case. The Supreme Court reversed the lower court decision, saying that the separate school failed to qualify, both because of quantitative differences in facilities and intangible factors, such as its isolation from most of the future lawyers with whom its graduates would interact. The court held that, when considering graduate education, intangibles must be considered as part of 'substantive equality.' The documentation of the court's decision includes the following differences identified between white and black facilities: the University of Texas Law School had 16 full-time and 3 part-time professors, while the black law school had 5 full-time professors; the University of Texas Law School had 850 students and a law library of 65,000 volumes, while the black law school had 23 students and a library of 16,500 volumes; the University of Texas Law School had moot court facilities, an Order of the Coif affiliation, and numerous graduates involved in public and private law practice, while the black law school had only one practice court facility and only one graduate admitted to the Texas Bar." [Wikipedia / "Sweatt v. Painter"]
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Jan. 7, 2010
Segment 1 and 3: "Divorced Kid. (2009)"
PART 1: Real Media. MP3. Time: 27:25.
PART 2: Real Media. MP3. Time: 24:26.
"Award-winning former American RadioWorks� producer Sasha Aslanian explores the "divorce revolution" of the 1970s through the perspective of kids--like herself--who lived through it, and experts who have had three decades to make sense of it.
This program debuted on Minnesota Public Radio. . . . Using a lively blend of first-person storytelling, (surprising scenes like playing the reel-to-reel audio of her own parents' wedding vows back to them), interviews with Avery Corman, the author of Kramer vs. Kramer, and revisiting the now-grown kids who wrote "The Kids Book of Divorce" in Cambridge, Massachusetts in 1979, the first half of the documentary reports on the lessons learned from the 1970s. The second half of the program examines how the experience of divorce has changed for kids since the 70s." For more information, see: http://www.americanpublicmedia.org/divorcedkid.
Segment 2: From the Archives: "Dustin Hoffman on Kent State and the Weather Underground."(1970).
Time: 3:15 This is a selection from a 1970 Pacifica Radio interview with the actor Dustin Hoffman: "Most people have a sense of who Dustin Hoffman is both on film and as an advocate for the acting profession. In 1970, when this conversation was recorded, He was receiving accolades for his work, including his 1967 breakthrough performance in Mike Nichols� The Graduate, John and Mary with Mia Farrow (1969), and his iconic role as �Ratso Rizzo� in Midnight Cowboy. His film Little Big Man was in theaters and he had already signed on to be the lead in Sam Peckinpah�s current project Straw Dogs. What we love about this recording is its informality. It isn�t about selling a film� it�s not part of a film press junket� but simple conversation about the craft and experience of acting. In addition to talking about the cinematic art form, being a Pacifica station, the conversation always includes the politics of times� which in 1970 included the Vietnam War, the Kent State killings, the youth movement in general and the role of social/political movements such as the Young Lords and The Black Panthers. Hoffman also comments on the Black Panther Party and Young Lords, who designed breakfast programs and education and health centers to help their community. Dustin Hoffman and his wife survived living next door to a Weather Underground stronghold in Greenwich Village. On March 6, 1970, just before this interview, The Weather Underground members were assembling bombs when they accidentally set them off killing 4 and completely destroying the townhouse." This is a short selection from that interview.
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